Monday, February 16, 2015

Some recent drawings (pencil)

 Jesus' Exorcism of Legion

(I consider this the best one!)

The Child Mary

(NiƱa Maria)


 St. Albert the Great, OP
Bishop and Doctor

(Per Scientiam ad Dominum)

 The Three Archangels

Filipino and modern depiction
(from left: Gabriel, Michael, Raphael)

The Temptation of Christ

(Satan tempts Jesus to turn the stones into bread.)

The Martyrdom of St. Stephen


Being part of the pioneer batch of the newly-renovated Postulancy Wing entails a great responsibility. We are tasked to maintain its ambiance – to be careful of the white paint, to avoid scratches on the tiled flooring, to make sure that the appliances are dirt-free and many more – so that the upcoming batches may also have a beautiful home. Based on my evaluation, we might have not passed that course a hundred-percent because those are just the introductions. With the character we were able to develop in our days as a Pre-Novice we have also seen our renovations and re-innovations.

Even if its cozy inside the Postulancy, I always loved travelling with my brothers and leaving the house for our modular classes, common study and other events that include the Dominican Family. The most unforgettable travel that I ventured on was the Papal Visit last January 2015. We were given the opportunity to witness and be part of Pope Francis’ Encounter with the Youth at the University of Santo Tomas. Despite the heavy rain and windy storm, I didn’t mind being soaked and I could hardly believe that before my very eyes was His Holiness. I thanked God for His magnificence because he did not only bring me [physically] closer to the Pope but He showed me in person the man who inspires me to bring myself closer to God’s people.

From time to time I remember that introvert, ill-tempered, ego-centered, authoritative but disciplined and prayerful kid back in the Aspirancy. He has brought with him his character as a leader and his achievements as a cadet officer but touched by God in his heart he was able to learn that he has to change in order to serve his neighbors for the better. With the help of the community, he has been molded every day. Yes, that is no other than me – a renovated and re-innovated person in the present and hopefully in the future too.

God uses people as His instruments to make a masterpiece out of me just like Pope Francis who preaches to us the Christ-like image of humility. As I move forward in my formation, I also hope that I will one day see that kid as an approachable, calm, selfless, trustworthy, humble but still disciplined and prayerful and most of all a loving religious.

I am re-innovated and that is the greatest snapshot of my life!